Political Discourse, Personal Involvement, and Roadblocks to that Today

A few weeks ago, I had two separate discussions that went very differently on the subject of political debate. The first of these was with a friend of mine, a Californian from the Bay area that is liberal to say the least. Long ago, by personal preference, I decided that whenever possible I would avoid any political discussion with her. We met over a political discussion, and to say that we weren’t on the same side of the political spectrum is an understatement. We weren’t even in the same political universe. We talked (argued) for hours, and in the end, no resolution to any subject was agreed on, and the only result that came from this night-long gab-fest was that my blood pressure was up, and I was generally miserable.

It is a common, repeated phrase that here in America, it is important that we never stop working with those that we disagree with. We need to find “common ground”, “compromise”, and “work together” to solve the problems that face our country in a very important time in our history. Pragmatically speaking, that may be the case, although many would say we need to educate and convert people to your side, and THAT will carry the day and bring the U.S. back from the precipice we are fast approaching.

Today, I read a post from Bookworm Room that praised those with a talent and perceived enjoyment of the debate, such as Chris Christie, as well as revealing the difficulty that Bookworm herself feels when entering this particular gladiator ring. I completely understand this reluctance, as I previously stated.

The 2nd of the earlier conversations I alluded to earlier helped for me to address what I think may be the cause of my wanting to have no political discussion with liberals. I have several Democrat friends, but when provided enough time (and sometimes a few adult beverages), these friends and I can seemingly resolve every single controversial issue to everyone’s satisfaction. These debates are enjoyable to us, and though there may be some arguments and passionate feelings on various details, in the end, everything works out well.

However, it seems that these are the kinds of people I encounter less and less. The only people who seem to want to engage in verbal assault (because that’s what it is; there is no debate, it isn’t issues bases, and often it’s very difficult for me to make even a basic point due to  my ‘opponent’ having a lack of even basic government terms, and their entire argument being based on emotion) are very liberal/leftist types. My new policy is to not speak to these people on any political matter. I’ve openly told them that. Perhaps this isn’t the most mature, intellectually curious position to take, but regardless, I’m not missing anything that’s positive, stimulating, or productive. If I want to make myself angry for no reason, I’m sure I can just turn on MSNBC. If my cable provider still carries it anyway.

I believe the root cause of my aversion to speaking with these liberals is simple. In years past, even during the polarized Clinton years, I believe that both sides were trying to get to the same point but had vastly different methods of getting to that point (and no, I don’t believe that many Clinton policies would’ve gotten us there at all, but for the sake of argument, hear me out). The Republicans wanted to reduce wasteful and fraudulent spending on Welfare. Clinton wanted to reform welfare (political reasons dictated, but still), but wanted to ensure ample resources to those in need (not that the GOP didn’t). TA-DA! Done. Problem solved. Republicans wanted to reduce violent crime as did Clinton. Clinton wanted to crack down on gun rights, while Republicans wanted to target criminals. Hey, two vastly different techniques, but the question and goal was the same on both sides.

Now, not so much. If you notice, liberals have gone so off the cliff, they can’t even acknowledge the problem!! Before, both sides would sit and ask “How do we solve this budget problem? We spend too much.” Fast forward to today, and you can see on any cable network a Democrat operative or Congressional candidate sit and argue that point!! If the question is, “How do we solve the budget/debt problem?”, liberals will now reply with “Whoa! Wait a minute! WHAT budget/debt problem?”. You can’t even get them to agree with the problem!!!

I have no desire to drag myself through that kind of frustration. I am by no means a Republican Party man. This is NOT Democrats are bad and Republicans are good kind of post. This is a “I can’t stand leftists and they will ruin this country” post in a roundabout kind of way. The above reasons are why I’ve checked out on the debate with others part of the program. Those same reasons are why, as Bookworm points out, why I am so thankful for those with both the intellectual capacity AND endless patience and resolve it takes to go out and convert those to the side of Constitutional government. Thank goodness for people like Chris Christie. I can’t imagine doing what they do.

About El Scotto

I'm a 30 year old guy, and a huge sports fan. Spent the bulk of my life bouncing around the various Armed Forces. Have a love of history, and can't get politics out of my life, though more often than not it just drives me to screaming.
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3 Responses to Political Discourse, Personal Involvement, and Roadblocks to that Today

  1. Pingback: Bookworm Room » An appreciation of happy warriors *UPDATED*

  2. Pingback: Leftists and Other Peoples Money | The American Front

  3. I was bored, until i’ve found your website, interesting posts

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